We can pack, wrap and post any number of bags to any addresses in the UK. Send a bag to a friend or loved-one, or Sponsor a bag to send to a patient - anonymously or with your name.
Twice as nice? Buy a bag for a loved one and then maybe sponsor one for a stranger...
Suggest some new products for the bags
Suggest some new products for the bags
Host a coffee morning
Organise sponsored morris dancing
Charge your friends to come for lunch
Donate half a day's wages
Email us some new suggestions
Take your friend's dog for a walk
Stay in on a Friday night and donate the saving
Clean next door's car
Have a car boot sale in your street
Set up a monthly
Have a sponsored 'bad hair day' at school
"My Treatment Bag was an anonymously sponsored bag - thank you whoever sent it - the kindness of strangers!"